Train your own AI image classifier with the Eagle Eye Networks cameras you already have.

Coming soon

Cloud Native

Nothing to install or run. Once you train it once it continues to run 24/7 and gets smarter all the time.

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Camera Agnostic

Works with any camera already connected to Eagle Eye Networks. Doesn't matter what brand, model, type, or resolution.

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Getting Started

Watch this 2 minute video on how easy it is.

Example Use Cases

Use cases that are already using classifier



  • 3 custom models
  • 6 GB of storage
  • Thumbnail Infrencing
  • Email support
  • Help center access



  • 20 custom models
  • 50 GB of storage
  • Thumbnail and Preview Infrencing
  • Priority email support
  • Help center access



  • 100 custom models
  • 500 GB of storage
  • Thumbnail and Preview Infrencing
  • Phone and email support
  • Help center access